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Water savings on toilets
Water savings on toilets
Julia van den Bergh avatar
Written by Julia van den Bergh
Updated over 2 years ago

As mentioned on our article about saving on taps, there are many simple ways to save water in your buildings. On average, people use 30-40 liter per day on toilets. We listed a few things you can do to save water on your toilets.

  1. Rubbers inside the toilet.
    A toilet bowl can last about 30 years, but the rubbers inside the toilet only last 10 years. If these rubbers get old and worn out, water might get past it and flow away. Replace these rubbers in time.

  2. Don't waste any water when flushing the toilet
    If you have toilets with exposed watertanks, you can place water filled bottles with stones on the bottom in the watertank. This will leave less space for water in the tank. Make sure it doesn't disturb the flushing system. On average, flushing the toilet will use more than 9 liters per flush. Doing this can save up to 1.5 liters per flush.

  3. Get a dual-flush toilet
    Dual-flush toilets let you choose which flush button you will use. Instead of the usual 9 to 12 liters per flush, you can choose between 3 of 6 liters.

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